European Astronomical Society

JENAM 2007

Armenian Astronomical Society

Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting

20-25 August 2007


"Our non-stable Universe"



Yerevan, Armenia


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Republic of Armenia is a mountainous country, situated in the south of Transcaucasia, between the Black and Caspian Seas. To the north and east are Georgia and Azerbaijan, while its neighbours to the west and south are Turkey and Iran. Its territory is 29,800 square km and the population is 3,7 million. Most of its territory lies 1,000 metres to 2,500 metres above sea level. Armenia's highest mountain is Aragatz (4,090 m or 13,419 ft above sea level) whose jagged summit is snow capped all year round except for a short period in late summer (exactly the period of JENAM-2007). The lowest point, along Debed river, is 390 m or 1,280 ft. The greatest extent is 360 km. More than 100 mountain lakes number in Armenia. Sevan is the world's biggest lake at an altitude of almost 2,000 metres above sea level. Gaining independence in 1991, Armenia has undergone fast economic and political changes and is considered to be one of the most stable among all former Soviet Union countries.

Armenia is an ancient land with about 3,000 years history. It has been inhabited since the early Stone Age. Ancient Armenia was one of the largest states in the Middle East and was often pitted against Rome and Persia. The Bible mountain Ararat is seen very picturesque from Yerevan. Many thousands of cultural monuments have been preserved in the territory of Armenia: from stone-age buildings to medieval temples and other magnificent creations. There are some 40,000 historical and architectural monuments in Armenia: ancient churches, monasteries, castles, fortresses, cross-stones (which are typical only for this district) etc. Armenia is justly called a museum in the open air.

Armenia is also a country of ancient science. Mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and other sciences were developed in ancient and middle ages. At the beginning of the 20th century some European scientists found that just in this area in the foot of Masis (Ararat), 4800 years ago, the known division of starry sky to constellations has come to its final form. Armenian alphabet was created in 405 A.D. In modern Armenia there are 130 research institutes having a staff of some 22,000 researchers. Yerevan State University (the venue of JENAM-2007) is the largest educational centre in Armenia. It has modern and comfortable conference halls and auditoria.

At the very beginning of the IV century, in the time of king Trdat III, an important historical event took place in the life of the Armenian people: the Christianity was adopted in Armenia in 301 A.D. Armenia is the first country in the world which adopted Christianity as a state religion. A great celebration of its 1700th anniversary took place in 2001, and a lot of guests visited Armenia from dozens of countries, including Pope and many other churches heads.

Armenian wines and cognac are very famous. Wine making is part of the Armenian culture. The Armenian brandy (cognac) and various wines are of the highest quality. The generous sun of the Ararat Valley, the fertile land and good water quality give the Armenian brandy its gold color and extraordinary taste. Fruits and vegetables, as well as national dishes are famous, too. The fruits and vegetables are widespread in August: the famous peaches, apples, pears, plums, watermelons, grapes are very delicious in Armenia. Armenian water is known as one of the best in the world. Armenia is rich in mineral waters known worldwide. Mineral waters of Armenia have a healing effect for kidney, liver, gall bladder and intestinal diseases. In addition, mineral water baths are recommended for anomalies of nervous and supportive-protective systems. The mineral water brands of Armenia are: «Jermuk», «Bjni», «Arzni», «Sevan», «Lichk», «Dilijan» and others. Near the springs of these mineral waters health resorts are established the water being used for treatment of different diseases.

Please find more info on Armenia at:



Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, is situated in the Ararat Valley, among the mountains at an altitude of 950 to 1,200 metres above sea level on the river Hrazdan. It has a population of about 1.4 million. Yerevan is one of the oldest cities in the world. There were many theories, conjectures and out-and-out legends which speculated on its origin, till a basalt slab, discovered by archaeologists on Arin-Berd Hill in 1950, provided documentary evidence of the date the city was founded. The fortress, founded in 782 B.C., was called Erebouni, and it was gradually transformed into Yerevan. There are 20 museums in Yerevan, including Matenadaran - a unique museum (and institute) with collection of more than 10,000 ancient manuscripts. Yerevan has more than 120 libraries, 40 hospitals, about 10 theatres, Grand Opera, concert halls and other cultural institutions. 

There are some 30 hotels in Yerevan, most equipped with modern facilities. The best hotels are Ani Plaza, Ararat, Armenia Marriott, Bass, Congress, Europe, Golden Palace, Golden Tulip Yerevan, Hrazdan, Hybusiness, Metropol, and Sil. The prices for a single room in these hotels range from 60 to 150 Euros. The cheaper hotels offer rooms for 30-40 Euros. The JENAM organizers will discuss the possible discounts depending on the number of guests and will announce the reduced prices as soon as possible. For lower prices, the Yerevan State University (YSU) Guest House will be offered as well. The Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) hotel may be offered for participants with financial difficulties. The JENAM buses will take every morning the participants from a number of hotels (having large number of guests) to the YSU.

Please find more info on Yerevan at: