Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

First International Symposium on the Problem of Extraterrestrial Civilizations and Communication with Them
September 6-11, 1971, Byurakan, Armenia

The symposium was organized jointly by the USSR Academy of Sciences and USA National Academy of Sciences on the institute of Cosmic Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences initiative.

Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):

Local Organizing Committee (LOC):

Competent scientists, working in various fields, concerning the considered complex problem, were present at the symposium: astronomers, physicists, radiophysicists, cyberneticists, biologists, chemists, archaeologists, linguists, anthropologists, historians, and sociologists.

32 Soviet and 19 American scientists, as well as representatives from UK, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia participated in the works of the symposium. There were 9 representatives of Academy of Sciences of Armenian SSR among the Soviet delegation, including 6 from the Byurakan Observatory.

Three Nobel Prize winners were among the participants: biologist F. Crick (UK) and physicists F.W. Dyson and C. Towns (USA). Prominent scientists F. Drake, T. Gold, C.E. Sagan, D. Heeschen, K. Kellermann (USA), and F. Morrison (UK) also took part in the symposium.

Many aspects of the problem of extraterrestrial intelligence were discussed at the ten scientific sessions of the symposium. Questions of plurality of planetary systems in the Universe, origin of life on the Earth and its possibility on other cosmic objects, rise and evolution of intelligent life, rise and development of technological civilization, problems of search for signals of extraterrestrial civilizations and traces of astroengineer activity, problems of establishment of communication with extraterrestrial intelligence, as well as their possible consequences were discussed in details.

Proceedings: Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI), The First International Conference on Extraterrestrial Civilizations and Problems of Contact with Them, held on September 6-11, 1971, in Byurakan, Armenia, Ed. Carl Sagan, Cambridge, 1973. (in English and Russian).

Full List of Participants

Ambartsumian V.A., Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Armenia, USSR
?Arakelian M.A., Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Armenia, USSR
Crick F., UK
Drake F., USA
Dyson F.W., USA
Gold T., USA
?Gurzadyan G.A., Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Armenia, USSR
Heeschen D., USA
?Herouni P.M., Armenia, USSR
Kellermann K., USA
?Khachikian E.Ye., Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Armenia, USSR
?Markarian B.E., Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Armenia, USSR
?Mirzoyan L.V., Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Armenia, USSR
Morrison F., UK
?Parsamian E.S., Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Armenia, USSR
Sagan C.E., USA
Tovmassian H.M., Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Armenia, USSR
Towns C., USA

0213, Byurakan, Aragatzotn Province, Republic of Armenia ՀՀ, Արագածոտնի մարզ, Բյուրական, 0213
(+374-91) 195901

National Academy of Sciences of RAՀՀ գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիա
Science Committee of RAՀՀ գիտության կոմիտե
Viktor Ambartsumian International PrizeՎիկտոր Համբարձումյանի անվան միջազգային մրցանակ
International Astronomical UnionՄիջազգային աստղագիտական միություն
IAU Office of Astronomy for DevelopmentՄԱՄ աստղագիտությունը զարգացման համար գրասենյակ

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